Jonathan Hernandez


  • Java - My studies have mainly focused on using Java to tackle OOP-based problems. Currently learning everything I can find that is Java based to take these lessons into more languages and concepts.
  • Critical Problem Solving - I've made many threat based decisions to protect assets and personnel. Including tornado warnings to allow people to shelter in place. One such event required me me to issue a tornado warning for my own base. I stayed behind to monitor the tornado and ensure the warning was properly recieved and acted on.
  • Communication Skills - I've worked with many dfferent people from every walk of life. I've been trained in proper conflict resolution.
  • Versatile and Trainable - I was trained in six different positions with different responsibilities over my years in the Air Force: Weather Forecaster, Points Forecaster, Weather Floor Manager, Mission Weather Services, Weather Graphics Forecaster, and Flight Weather Briefer. This has allowed me to be a very versatile member of my team.
  • Resilient and Resourceful - Worked in three different workplaces and seven different positions and thrived in all of them. I will always find the appropriate information to ensure a project is completed properly and on time.


University of Central Florida
Major: Computer Science Jan 2018 - Dec 2021
  • Principals of Computer Programming - Steping into programming, I learned and applied the concepts of Object Oriented Programming in creating basic programs.
  • Programming in Java - I learned of algorthim structure and design princlples as well as using user interfaces.
  • Advanced Java Programming - From this class I learned and applied layered design architechture as well as generic object design principals.
  • Introduction to Philosophy - This class helped me be able to broaden my frame of mind and see things from multiple angles.

Professional Experience:

United States Air Force, 618th AOC (TACC)
Weather Journeyman June 2015 - Dec 2017
  • Monitored and compiled climatological data from five operational weather squadrons in support of the 618th AOC missions.
  • Made daily real-time weather threat assessments to ensure the safety of aircrews and protection of assets to include aircraft and cargo worth 100-300 million.
  • Worked as Quality Assurance Manager where I reduced forecast errors by approximately 50%.
  • Received Air Force Longevity Service Award - Military honor recognizing four years of credible service in the Air Force.
  • Received Air Force Good Conduct Medal - Military honor awarded to Air Force service members who have displayed exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity in active federal military service.
United States Air Force, 15th Operational Weather Squadron
Weather Apprentice June 2012 - June 2015
  • Worked to provide installation forecasts as well as flight weather briefings for 24 states in northeastern CONUS.
  • Created aviation hazard decision aids used by pilots across northeastern CONUS.
  • Issued weather advisories, watches, and warnings across 124 installations to protect personnel and assets.
  • Received Forecaster of the Month for outstanding performance.
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